
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Diary of Sergeant George G. Smith: September 30, 1862

At sunrise we were on the march for Camp Kearney. After we had marched about a mile Col Holcomb ordered me back to look after the convalescents or those who were unable to carry their guns and knapsacks. These were all put in army wagon and the men got in line. There was about one hundred of them. We started about one o'clock and arrived in Camp Kearney at dark. This place was drier ground and being near the river was much healthier than Camp Williams but the men had imbibed so much malaria at the latter place that there was not much improvement in the health of the men until the middle of October.

SOURCE: Abstracted from George G. Smith, Leaves from a Soldier's Diary, p. 29

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