
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Hawkins Taylor to Abraham Lincoln, February 25, 1860

State of Iowa
Senate Chamber,
Des Moines, Iowa, Feb 25, 1860.
Dear Sir

I wrote you immediately after the Convention. As near as I can tell, I wrote you that our Delegates were not instructed but left free to act as they might think best when in Conventions at Chicago. I am not a Delegate but I probably had as much to do with making them as them any one else and am Satisfied that a large Maj of them would vote for Seward if their vote would elect him not that personally he is their special choice but because of the locofoco abuse of him but I do not think that any of the Delegate think that he ought to be the nominee of the Chicago Convention. If a vote had been taken by the Delegates when appointed, a large Maj of them with the lights then before them a large Maj would have voted for Cameron for President and Your Self for Vice President This vote would have been given under the impression that Cameron Could Carry Pa and that probably no other Person could. Now I hope in this we are Mistaken. And I hope that before the Convention Comes off Such will be Made Manifest. Our Delegates I am sure would rather vote for you than any other Man in the U. S. especially if the Arch Demagogue Douglass should be the Nominee of the South.

I received a letter from Col Curtis who thinks your chance for nomination as good at leat as Any other Man. But all will depend on Pa. New Jersey Ill & Ia At least I think so. Our Delegation will be influenced more by Col Warren than any other man in Iowa. Polatics change – and the influence of Men change. the Cols star is now in the ascendant. I hope that you will correspond with him if you have not already done so. Have you Seen his Article on Edward Bates address to the “Springfield Republican”? If you have not hunt it up. It was copied into the “Hawk Eye” and probably by other papers. If it does not use up Bates’ prospect I am mistaken.

I wish that you could write me the prospects of your Nomination for President. I shall be at the Chicago Convention.

I want you to be sure and correspond with Warren He will contribute a large a large Share towards the nomination of Some one. his acquaintance is extensive & he will take an active part in the canvass He will be one of the State Electors for Iowa

I have confidence to believe that no one in our State has more influence with him than I have. I go to Chicago as his guest And if there is any thing that I can do for you I am ready to do it all that I want is to know how to serve you

Please write to me and you had better direct to Keokuk as I will leave here in a few days

Yours truly
Hawkins Taylor

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