
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

James Pollock to Abraham Lincoln, November 19, 1860

Milton Pa. Nov. 19. 1860
Hon Abraham Lincoln

Dear Sir

For reasons that you will appreciate, I have not written to you since your nomination & election as President of the U. States. As Governor of this Commonwealth, I experienced to the full, the annoyance of an overwhelming correspondence, & sympathising with you I have forborne to write, unwilling to add to your troubles. Now that the battle is over & the smoke cleared away, permit an old friend, to congratulate you & the Country on your triumphant election. Your nomination & election I regard as the triumph of the great conservative sentiment of the Nation – as National in its character & object; & designed, I humbly hope, to promote the peace, the honor and the prosperity of our beloved Country. As a National & conservative man, I heartily endorsed your nomination & labored in this State & New Jersey for your election. We have triumphed; ultraism & sectionalism have been rebuked; and now, my ardent aspirations are, that your administration may be eminently successful & honorable, alike to yourself & the Nation.

As you have now turned Cabinet Maker I have no doubt you have the offer of many Journeymen, to aid you in that business. In what I am going to say, I have no selfish object to promote – my only desire is the success of your Administration. It seems to be generally conceded that Pennsylvania, if she desires it, will be represented in your Cabinet. This I think would be right; and therefore, without attempting to control your free action in the premises, permit me to suggest the name of my friend, and our distinguished citizen Gen. Simon Cameron as a proper person to fill the office of Secretary of the Treasury. No man in our State is better qualified for that place – the appointment of no man would give greater satisfaction to our Citizens & more fully identify your Administration with the protective policy of the Country. Gen Cameron's tariff record is full & complete, & his selection for that place would give an assurance to Pennsylvania that would be of incalculable advantage to our party & your administration. He would be a safe Counselor – conservative – National & true to all the great interests of the Country. I know not whether he would accept the place, if offered to him, as I have had no communication with him on the subject; but as a Pennsylvanian, – as your personal & political friend, I hope you may, if consistent with your views of public policy, tender to him that place.

You will need, my dear Sir, all the wisdom – prudence & calm counsel that you can command. Ultra men should have no place in your cabinet– you will discard all such – your country & your whole country will be the object of your solicitude, & may your administration in its vigor, conservatism & nationality allay all excitement, restore peace & bring abundant prosperity to our Country.

Remember me kindly to Mrs Lincoln,

Yours very truly
Jas Pollock

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