
Sunday, August 7, 2016

Samuel Kettell* to James S. Pike, April 22, 1850

Boston, April 22, 1850.

My Dear Sir: I return your letter, agreeably to your request. It went sadly against my grain to withhold it from the press, for no one can like it better than I do. If I were not hampered by business obligations in this particular matter, there should be no impediment to the swing of your broad ax in the Courier; nothing is better relished here.

I hope the matters in question will be all arranged before many days, when you shall hear from me again. At present you may have the satisfaction of knowing that what you have done will tend to great good. I should be most happy to see satisfaction of another sort added to this.

Yours truly,
S. Kettell.
J. S. Pike, Esq.

* The editor of the Boston Courier.

SOURCE: James Shepherd Pike, First Blows of the Civil War: The Ten Years of Preliminary Conflict in the United States from 1850 to 1860, p. 32

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