
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Simon Cameron to Abraham Lincoln, January 3, 1861

Jan 3. 1860.
My Dr Sir

I have seen Genl. Scott, who bid me say he will be glad to act under your orders, in all ways to preserve the Union. He says Mr Buchanan, at last, has called on him to see that order shall be preserved at the inauguration in this District. That, for this purpose, he has ordered here 2 companies of flying artillery; and that he will organize the militia – and have himself sworn in as a constable. The old warrior is roused, and he will be equal to the occasion.

The feeling here is better, but there is much excitement, and still great anxiety as to the course Maryland may take. The Secretary of State called on me this morning to say that Gov Hicks will remain firm. If he does so, the rest can be cared for.

Mr Gilmore is here, but has not yet been seen

Very trly yrs
Simon Cameron
Hon. A. Lincoln

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