
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Adjutant-General Lorenzo Thomas’ General Orders No. 71, September 5, 1861

General Orders No. 71

Washington, September 5, 1861.

I. All persons having received authority to raise volunteer regiments, batteries, or companies, in the State of New York, will immediately report to His Excellency Governor Morgan, at Albany, the present state of their respective organizations. They and their commands are placed under the orders of Governor Morgan, who will reorganize them and prepare them for service in the manner he may judge most advantageous for the interests of the General Government.

II. All commissioned officers of regiments, batteries, or companies, now in service, raised in the State of New York independent of the State authorities, can receive commissions from the Governor of that State by reporting to the adjutant general thereof and filing in his office a duplicate of the muster-in rolls of their respective organizations.

By order:

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series III, Volume 1 (Serial No. 122), p. 483-4

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