
Thursday, September 1, 2016

Carson Dobbins Hay to Simon Cameron, September 16, 1861

Washington City
Sept. 16th 1861
To the
            Hon S. Cameron
                        Sec. of War

The undersigned a citizen of Southern Illinois respectfully solicits the appointment of Pay master of volunteers in the Army of the U. States, for the Western Division.

As one basis for the appointment I would beg to suggest, that while Southern Illinois is furnishing more troops for the War, than any other Section of the Union, She has less of the places of honor and  profit in the Army.

I have the honor to be
Very respectfully
Your obt Servt.
Carson D. Hay

SOURCE: The Papers of Abraham Lincoln, Series III (Presidential Papers), RG 99, Entry 7: Correspondence, Letters Received, 1799-1894, NAB, where you will find a full color pdf. of this letter.

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