
Saturday, September 17, 2016

Charles J. Higginson to John Brown, January 10, 1857

Emigrant Aid Rooms, Boston, Jan. 10, 1857.

Captain John Brown of Osawatomie.

Dear Sir, — I have a small fund in my hands to be used for the benefit of Kansas men. I enclose thirty dollars, with the request that you will use it as you see fit, — remembering that you are to regard yourself and your sons as entitled to your consideration as well as any others.

Respectfully yours,
C. J. Higginson.1

1 Upon this is the following indorsement in Brown's handwriting: “C. J. Higginson, or H. L. Higginson.” The latter was a kinsman of Charles Higginson; and has since been known as the wealthy Boston banker, who supplies his native city with cheap concerts of the best music. I suppose he may have handed the above note or the money to Captain Brown.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 384

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