
Thursday, September 15, 2016

Diary of Corporal Charles H. Lynch: March 2, 1865

Last night a shot was heard beyond our outpost. Could not learn the cause. It seemed to be in the direction of Charlestown. About nine o'clock this morning I received a call from Captain Kibbe, Officer of the Guard, asked for any information that I could give. I could not give him any as it was beyond our outpost. Putting a man in charge of the outpost, the Captain ordered me to go with him for an investigation. The people we called on had not noticed it. They became used to the report of a gun and did not pay any attention to it. At the home of a Mr. Snyder we were invited in and received very pleasantly. As it came time for us to go, as it was getting near noon, they urged us to remain to dinner. The invitation was accepted. The family consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Snyder and two young daughters. Mrs. Snyder was in very poor health, the daughters doing the house work. A fine chicken dinner was served for which we were very thankful. After dinner Mr. Snyder invited us out to take a look over his place. He was the owner of a grist and saw mill, and a large farm. We were treated very kindly by the whole family. All expressed sorrow over the war. The location was near Charlestown. When the time came for us to go, we received a very cordial invitation to call again. We made our way back to the picket post after our very enjoyable time and good dinner, on Sunday, March 2d, 1865.

At 3 P. M. we were relieved from picket duty. Made our way to camp with pleasant recollections of the good time that came to us on this Sunday on picket duty along the line of the Harper's Ferry and Winchester Railroad.

SOURCE: Charles H. Lynch, The Civil War Diary, 1862-1865, of Charles H. Lynch 18th Conn. Vol's, p. 142-3

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