
Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Diary of Corporal Charles H. Lynch: February 21, 1865

Snow melting very fast. Must wade through the wet snow. Orders to fall in and to report at Bolivar Heights, near Harper's Ferry, a march of about four miles. When we arrived we were surprised to learn that we must witness the execution of two deserters. Strange that we must march so far to witness such a sad thing. Just before all things were ready, and in the nick of time, a pardon was received from President Lincoln. When it became known that a pardon was received there were a few faint cheers from some of the boys. For my part I was thankful that I did not have to witness the execution. Returned to camp late this afternoon.

SOURCE: Charles H. Lynch, The Civil War Diary, 1862-1865, of Charles H. Lynch 18th Conn. Vol's, p. 141

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