
Monday, September 5, 2016

Joseph Casey to Leonard Swett, November 27, 1860

Harrisburg, 27 Nov. 1860.
Hon. Leonard Swett,

Dear Sir,

From some things that occurred when I was at Springfield, my mind has since been in doubt, as to whether Mr. Lincoln has been made fully acquainted with the conversations and understandings had between you & Judge Davis on the one side, & myself, on the other, at the Tremont House, the night before the nomination. That understanding of course, I was compelled to communicate to a few of Genl. Cameron's most initmate and confidential friends, in order to counteract other schemes, and overcome other inducements, proceeding from different quarters. Should the assurances I then gave, fail to be realized I should be utterly ruined, in the estimation of many of my most valuable friends. As some of them would probably prefer to believe that I had deceived them, instead of being disappointed in my own expectations. Feeling, as you may suppose, a nervous anxiety on this matter, I submit it, to the better judgment of yourself and Judge Davis, whether it would not be better, that Mr. L. if he is not now, should be put in possession of the whole matter before he finally acts in the premises. Having unlimited confidence in the honor and integrity of you both, as well as your prudence and discretion, I merely make the suggestion, leaving you to act in such way as you may deem best.

Since my return, I have been constantly occupied in Court, and will be for some weeks to come. But I can assure you, that outside of Phila. there is but one sentiment in this State, and even in the City, outside of a small, noisy, powerless clique the same feeling prevails

Let me hear from you soon —

Yours very truly
Jos Casey

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