
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

William H. Seward to Abraham Lincoln, January 13, 1861

Washington Jan. 13. 1861
My Dear Sir,

I regret to say that Mr Cameron is very much grieved, by the result of the proposition to him of a cabinet place. I have conversed with Mr Swett freely on the subject and he will communicate my views more fully than I care to write.

But I will say these two or three things,

1st. That Mr Cameron will insist that neither N Jersey, nor Pa. shall now have a place in the Cabinet.

2d. That Mr Cameron claims that by some explanation to be made to him he shall, so far as indications of your confidence in and respect for him, may go, be put before the public in a position as strong as he was before he was invited to go to Springfield.

Mr Swett will explain to you that I am willing to be the mediator of conversation between you and Mr Cameron as a mutual friend, acting confidentially, and at the same time cooperating to make the matter as honorable to both parties as possible while I [reafirm?] my relations to him as enjoying and giving mutual confidence—

Very respectfully
Your friend
William H Seward

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