
Monday, October 10, 2016

Brigadier-General William F. Bartlett: July 30, 1864

March the brigade at one and half through covered way to front line. Mine sprung at 4.40. We rushed across the open field. I got up to the enemy's works about as soon as any one. Got into the crater. Took the first and second lines of the enemy. Held them till after one, when we were driven back by repeated charges. I fought them for an hour after they held the whole line, excepting the crater where we were, their flag within seven feet of ours across the work. They threw bayonets and bottles on us, and we returned, for we got out of ammunition. At last, to save further slaughter, there being no hope of our being rescued, we gave it up. That crater during that day I shall never forget. A shell knocked down a boulder of clay on to my wood leg and crushed it to pieces, killing the man next me. I surrendered to General Mahone.

SOURCE: Francis Winthrop Palfrey, Memoir of William Francis Bartlett, p. 118-9

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