
Friday, October 21, 2016

Brigadier-General William F. Bartlett: Wednesday, August 3, 1864

Hospital outside Danville. The past few days seem like a horrible dream which I can never forget. The misery that I have suffered is more than I can ever tell. I was brought here that night in a filthy cart from the prison. I could not have lived there much longer. I have a straw bed here and slept well last night. Got some milk this morning. Pain in my bowels very bad; very weak. Sent for tooth-brush this morn, by Doctor, $6. Milk, $1 pt. I suppose they are very anxious at home about me. I hope I shall be able to write soon; will try to write up the past few days. Wagon sent for me to go back to prison — said I could not go. Wrote a note to Major Morfit, commanding, telling I was too weak. He let me stay. Took the captain who was here.

SOURCE: Francis Winthrop Palfrey, Memoir of William Francis Bartlett, p. 120-1

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