
Monday, October 24, 2016

Captain William Thompson Lusk to Elizabeth Adams Lusk, April 3, 1862

Headquarters 2d Brigade, S. C.
Beaufort, S. C. April 3d, 1862.
My dear Mother:

The steamer has not yet gone, so I seat myself once more to write you a few lines. With regard to getting myself a new suit of clothes I have changed my mind for the present, having been fortunate enough to obtain a light flannel suit for every day wear, from one of the officers just returning from the North. This will be fully sufficient with my old suit, until I shall have an opportunity to return home — a thing not to be anticipated for the present — when I wish to appear as fine as possible. Mrs. Gen. Stevens returns by the “Atlantic,” it having been thought best by our new Commander to send home all officers’ wives. The order has not yet been issued, but Mrs. Stevens wishes to leave in time to anticipate it. On arriving at New-York, she will stop at the St. Nicholas Hotel for two or three days. If you can manage to see her, you will be much pleased with her, as she is extremely lady-like and agreeable.

I told Alfred Rockwell of your congratulations, at which he seemed much pleased. Love to all.


SOURCE: William Chittenden Lusk, Editor, War Letters of William Thompson Lusk, p. 135-6

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