
Saturday, October 8, 2016

George L. Stearns to John Brown, April 15, 1857

Boston, April 15, 1857.

Dear Sir, — By the enclosed vote of the 11th instant we place in your hands one hundred Sharpe's rifles to be sold in conformity therewith, and wish you to use the proceeds for the benefit of the Free-State men in Kansas; keeping an account of your doings as far as practicable. Also a vote placing a further sum of five hundred dollars at your disposal, for which you can, in need, pass your draft on our treasurer, P. T. Jackson, Esq.

Truly yours,
George L. Stearns,
Chairman Massachusetts State Kansas Committee.
Mr. John Brown,
Massasoit House, Springfield, Mass.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 385

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