
Saturday, October 29, 2016

Major-General John A. Dix’s General Orders, No. 55, July 15, 1865

Head-quarters, Department of the East, New York City,
July 15, 1865.
General Orders, No. 55.

Pursuant to General Orders, No. 118, current series, War Department, Major-general Dix hereby transfers to Major-general Joseph Hooker, of the Army, the command of the Department of the East.

In taking leave of the officers and troops under his command Major-general Dix returns to them his sincere thanks for their faithful and efficient services and the promptness with which they have discharged their respective duties. It is needless to say to them that this association, which has never been disturbed by any want of harmony, or by any unwilling acquiescence in his authority, is not broken without unfeigned regret.

He also desires to acknowledge the ready response and the patriotic aid he has always received from the civil, military, and municipal authorities of the States composing his Department whenever the emergencies of the war have rendered it necessary to call for assistance. This generous co-operation has greatly lightened his own labors and responsibilities; and he refers to it not only as a matter to be gratefully remembered by him, but as one of the most gratifying evidences of the united feeling by which the Government of the country, in a desperate struggle for its existence, has been zealously and triumphantly sustained.

John A. Dix, Major-general.
Official. — Chas. O. Joline,
Brevet Lieutenant-colonel and Aide-de-camp.

SOURCE: Morgan Dix, Memoirs of John Adams Dix, Volume 2, p. 120-1

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