
Sunday, October 2, 2016

Salmon P. Chase to Charles Sumner, January 16, 1848

Cincinnati, Jan’y. 16, 1848.

My Dear Sir: I take great pleasure in introducing to you Mr. L. A. Hise, the author of the accompanying note. I trust it will be in your power, to comply with the request which he makes, in behalf of the periodical of which he is Editor. A bold and clear exposition of the present relation of parties to each other and the republic could not fail to be useful, and I know of no one to whose hands such a task could be more safely confided than to yours. I believe it is the purpose of the publisher to make compensation for articles furnished, but at what rate I am not advised.

I have had it in my mind to write you on the great topics in which we both feel so deep an interest. I hope to be able to do so soon. I read with great satisfaction the eloquent appeal of your State Committee to the People of Massachusetts. We have given a response not wholly unfit, I trust, by our State Platform.

With the truest regard, Faithfully your friend,
[James S. Pike.]

SOURCE: Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1902, Vol. 2, p. 127-8

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