
Sunday, October 30, 2016

William Barton Rogers to Henry Darwin Rogers, September 25, 1860


I have just returned from seeing Mrs. Chambers at the Tremont House, having learned from Hillard, this morning, that they were in the city. . . . It did my heart good to hear of you both, and the children, from one who had so lately seen you. The Daguerreotypes sent by Eliza brought tears to my eyes. Dear little Edith, so like her thoughtful face, and the sweet, plump little baby in the arms of her pleasant-faced Scotch nurse. . . . Yours is beautiful and expressive, and shows you in portly health, but so marked by the expression of our dear father as I never saw you before. Oh, how these little things make me long to be with you, and that we might have years to spend together! . . .

In the last number of the “Edinburgh Journal” see an article on Ozone Observations by a Dr. Mitchell. What he says about the effect of wind, etc., I called especial attention to in the paper I contributed a year ago. I shall make out a summary of my observations at Sunny Hill for the past four or five summers and send you.

SOURCE: Emma Savage Rogers & William T. Sedgwick, Life and Letters of William Barton Rogers, Volume 2, p. 42

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