
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Brigadier-General William F. Bartlett to Harriett Plummer Bartlett, August 20, 1864

Prisoners' Hospital,
Danville, Va., August 20, 1864.

My Dear Mother, — I have been very ill with dysentery, consequent on the exposure after the over-exertion and exhaustion on the 30th of July. I am still very weak, but have turned the corner and am out of danger. General Young, C. S. A., came to see me while I was sick, and told me he would see Commissioner Ould when he went to Richmond, and do all that he could to get me sent to our lines (either exchanged or paroled), where I could soon get well, or at least die among friends. I have not heard from him yet. It is more than a week, and as he promised to write as soon as he saw Ould, I fear his letter must have miscarried. I am not so anxious, now that I am getting better. Still I hope we shall be exchanged before long. All the other generals have been exchanged down at Charleston, S. C. I shall probably go to Columbia, S. C, as soon as I get well enough. I had a letter from Captain Amory from there a few days ago. They are much more comfortable there, and want me to come. I shall be glad to get anywhere, where I can have company. I walked out a few steps on crutches to-day for the first time. I am still very weak. I have heard nothing from our lines since our capture. See Richmond paper occasionally. Give my love to all at home, and to Aunt Carry and Uncle Edwin. Send them a copy of this letter if it reaches you.

Much love,
W. F. B.

I hope my horses and all my things got home safely. Dr. White promised to see to it.

SOURCE: Francis Winthrop Palfrey, Memoir of William Francis Bartlett, p. 128-9

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