
Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Captain Joseph E. Hamblin, July 25, 1861

Headquarters 5TH Regiment, N.Y. S. Vols.,
July 25, 1861.

We received marching orders about one o'clock this A.M. Will leave camp in about an hour. Have been busy packing up and doing up unfinished business, and snatch a moment from the confusion to assure you of my love and that you are ever present in my memory.

We do not know in what direction the column is to move. Four regiments are under marching orders. We are in excellent spirits.

The news this morning shows the late retreat to have been a dearly bought victory to our enemies, and shows such contrast with the terrible disaster we first learned of that we are quite exultant. . .

SOURCE: Deborah Hamblin, Brevet Major-General Joseph Eldridge Hamblin, 1861-65, p. 9

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