
Friday, December 2, 2016

Diary of Brigadier-General William F. Bartlett: Monday Evening, August 22, 1864

Mark off another day; one day nearer home and liberty. Read “Villette;” don't like it much. My friend Jones brought me some nice beans for dinner from the garden. I gave him some sugar in return. To-night he brought me some peaches. Rumors of fighting going on. Oh, what wouldn't I give for a New York or Boston paper to-night, or a letter. If I had two legs, I would not stay here long. Played chess to-day with Pat. He beats me. I cannot get interested in it. He beats me at checkers too. I believe I am getting stupid. I must get where I can have somebody congenial to talk with. I dread the journey to Columbia, two days. What are they doing at home to-night? I wish I could look in, invisible.

SOURCE: Francis Winthrop Palfrey, Memoir of William Francis Bartlett, p. 129

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