
Sunday, January 15, 2017

Diary of Luman Harris Tenney: Friday, November 7, 1862

Capt. Quigg after examination released “Dr. Brissel” without a parole. Capts. Lucas and Nettleton and all the boys think the man fooled us — black hair and whiskers, good looking and very gentlemanly. Heard no mean expression. When I bade him good morning, three miles out, he shook hands with me, and said if we ever got into trouble, he would be glad to do what he could for us. At 11 A. M. got orders to march with two days' rations, at 12 M. Had no bake kettles and no rations but beans and flour. Got me a canteen full of bean soup. Ready at noon. 25 2nd Ohio and 25 6th Kansas. Had charge of platoon of twelve — our boys. Went west, trotted most of the time. Got to the tannery at 3 P. M. 13th at work getting out the hides from the vats. Soon Col. Cloud with 250 or 300 — and all went to work. A grand scene. Would like to see it represented in Leslie. Burned up twenty or twenty-five thousand dollars worth of property. Started in about dark — southwest. Went 15 or 20 miles, mostly on a trot. Then stopped at a field of corn and lay down by fires till 4 or 5 A. M. Changed platoons to get 2nd Ohio together. Capt. N. with Kansas platoons.

SOURCE: Frances Andrews Tenney, War Diary Of Luman Harris Tenney, p. 42

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