
Monday, February 27, 2017

Diary of 1st Lieutenant John S. Morgan: Saturday, April 29, 1865

Work on Muster & Pay rolls all day, boat cam up last night bringing Mobile papers of the 28th with information that at the Mouth of Red river The Rebs were communicating for flag of truce relative to a speedy surrender by Kirby Smith of all the army west of the Mississippi. Many Citizens came in today some from 20 & 25 miles back & all express themselves astonished at the good treatment they rec from our soldiers. We wait patiently for something official from high authority confirmatory of the surrender of Joe Jonston. There is a report that somewhere near there is a rebel force of 400 & that the 1st Brig are ordered out on a scout with 2 days rations, Dick Taylor has not surrendered but is reported with his staff in Mobile. Papers note the arrival at Mobile of a paymaster & rumor says he is paying there. Take a walk after supper with Sergt Miller.

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, 33rd Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 13, No. 8, April 1923, p. 596

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