
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Diary of 1st Lieutenant John S. Morgan: Sunday, April 30, 1865

Inspection & Muster at 7. A. M. Major Boydston is appointed Provost Marshal on Genl Bentons staff, in place of Lt Col Smith 35" Wis returned to Regt for laying outside of the lines 3 nights handrunning The 1st Brig return to camp at 3 P. M. Capt Williams of 28th Wis up to see us today rec notice of the discharge of Stephanus De Kock, Citizens say that sharks come up this river from the Bay

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, 33rd Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 13, No. 8, April 1923, p. 597

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