
Friday, March 17, 2017

Abraham Lincoln to Caleb B. Smith, May 31, 1861

When I was a member of Congress a dozen years ago, I boarded with the lady who writes the within letter.1 She is a most worthy and deserving lady; and if what she desires can be consistently done, I shall be much obliged I say this sincerely and earnestly—

May 31, 1861
A. Lincoln


Hon Mr Smith:

We boarded some months, with Mrs. Sprigg, & found her a most estimable lady & would esteem it a personal favor, if her request, could be granted.

Mrs. A. Lincoln

1 While a member of the United States House of Representatives Abraham Lincoln boarded in 1848 and 1849 at Mrs. Ann G. (Thornton) Sprigg’s boarding house on First Street between A Street and East Capitol Street. Mrs. Sprigg’s letter to Lincoln has been lost, and exactly what she was requesting remains unknown.

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