
Thursday, March 16, 2017

Augustus Wattles to John Brown [alias James Smith], June 18, 1857

Lawrence, K. T., Jane 18, 1857.
James Smith, Esq.

Dear Sir, — Your favor of the 3d instant was duly received. I am much pleased to hear from you. We talked over matters here, and concluded to say, come as quietly as possible, or not come at present, as you may choose. Holmes is at Emporia, plowing; Conway is here, talking politics; Phillips is here, trying to urge the Free-State men to galvanize the Topeka constitution into life. Dr. Robinson's absence at the assembling of the Free-State Legislature last winter dispirited the Free-State party. It is difficult to make them rally again under him. Foster I do not know. Frazee has not returned. The others are as you left them. We are prospering finely. You will hear much against G. W. Brown and the “Herald of Freedom,” but be careful about believing it. Brown is as good as ever.

Most truly your friend,
Augustus Wattles.1

1 Indorsed by John Brown: “A. Wattles, No. 2. Requires no reply.”

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 394

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