
Thursday, March 2, 2017

Diary of Lieutenant-Colonel Rutherford B. Hayes: Thursday July 24, 1862

Camp Green Meadows. — I got a lame, halting permission from Colonel Scammon to go on an errand of mercy over New River into Monroe [County] after the family of Mr. Caldwell, a Union man, who has been kept away from home and persecuted for his loyalty. The colonel says I may go if and if; and warning me of the hazards, etc., etc., shirking all responsibility. It is ridiculous in war to talk this way. If a thing ought to be done according to the lights we have, let us go and do it, leaving events to take care of themselves. This half-and-half policy; this do-less waiting for certainties before action, is contemptible. I rode to the ferry and arranged for the trip with Major Comly.

Six companies go over the ferry tonight and go on towards Indian Creek. Two stop at the Farms Road, to protect our rear from that approach; four companies and the cavalry will go to Indian Creek take post at the cross-roads, and the waggons and cavalry will push on to Mr. Caldwell's and get his family before daylight and start back. The whole party will retire to the ferry if possible before night of the 26th.

SOURCE: Charles Richard Williams, editor, Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, Volume 2, p. 309-10

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