
Thursday, March 30, 2017

James H. Lane to John Brown, September 29, 1857

Falls City, Sept. 29, 1857.

Dear General, — I send you Mr. Jamison (quartermaster-general second division), to assist you in getting your articles into Kansas in time. Mr. Whitman wrote us a week ago he would be at Wyandotte yesterday, and that he was supplied with the things; but he had not arrived when I left. It is all-important to Kansas that your things should be in at the earliest possible moment, and that you should he much nearer at hand than you are. I send you all the money I have (fifty dollars), and General Jamison has some more. We want every gun and all the ammunition. I do not know that we will have to use them, but I do know we should be prepared. I send you ten true men. You can rely upon the General; and what he tells you comes from me.

Yours ever,
J. H. Lane.
To General John Brown, Tabor.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 402

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