
Monday, March 27, 2017

James H. Lane to John Brown, September 7, 1857

Lawrence, Sept. 7, 1857.

Sir, — We are earnestly engaged in perfecting an organization for the protection of the ballot-box at the October election (first Monday). Whitman and Abbot have been East after money and arms for a mouth past; they write encouragingly, and will be hack in a few days. We want you, with all the materials you have. I see no objection to your coming into Kansas publicly. I can furnish you just such a force as you may deem necessary for your protection here and after your arrival. I went up to see you, but failed. Now what is wanted is this: write me concisely what transportation you require, how much money, and the number of men needed to escort you into the Territory safely; and if you desire it I will come up with them.

Yours respectfully,
J. H. Lane.
To Captain John Brown, Tabor.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 401

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