
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

John Brown [alias James Smith] to Augustus Wattles, June 3, 1857

Hudson, Ohio, June 3, 1857.

My Dear Sir, — I write to say that I started for Kansas some three weeks or more since, but have been obliged to stop for the fever and ague. I am now righting up, and expect to be on my way again soon. Free-State men need have no fear of my desertion. There are some half-dozen men I want a visit from at Tabor, Iowa, to come off in the most Quiet Way; namely, Daniel Foster, late of Boston, Massachusetts; Holmes, Frazee, a Mr. Hill, and William David, on Little Ottawa Creek; a Mr. Cochran, on Pottawatomie Creek; or I would like equally well to see Dr. Updegraff and S. H. Wright, of Osawatomie; or William Phillips, or Conway, or your honor. I have some very important matters to confer with some of you about. Let there be no words about it. Should any of you come out to see me, wait at Tabor if you get there first. Mr. Adair, at Osawatomie, may supply fifty dollars (if need be) for expenses, on my account, on presentation of this. Write me at Tabor, Iowa, Fremont County.

Very respectfully yours,
James Smith.1

1 The persons mentioned in this letter were supposed by Brown to be specially friendly and true to him. Foster was a clergyman, formerly settled at Concord, Mass., but then in Kansas. Holmes was Brown's lientenant in 1856, and afterward in 1858-59. Frazee was Brown's teamster and soldier in 1856, and fought at Black Jack, as did B. L. Cochran. Dr. Updegraff fought at Osawatomie. Concerning David, Hill, and Wright I have little information. Phillips was afterwards Congressman.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 393

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