
Friday, March 10, 2017

Joseph Bryant to John Brown, June 16, 1857

I called on the colonel last night; found him well, except very anxious about getting his family to this country. He is not ready to join you; thinks nothing will be needed out West before winter, — not till Congress have met and acted in favor of the constitution about being framed; so he thinks. He is getting along, he tells me, as fast as possible with his book; will have it ready in about ten days; has as yet raised no funds to pay the passage of his family. Thinks they will have to come in the third class passage, which grieves him very much, as his wife is not in good health. I had promised what money was in my hands to defray the expenses of publishing his book; this I promised him on account of your introduction to me of him.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 390

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