
Friday, March 24, 2017

Richard Realf to John Brown, July 6, 1857

Tabor, Iowa, July 6, 1857.
John Brown, Esq.

Dear Sir, — I arrived here to-day from Lawrence, bringing $150 minus my expenses up and down. These will amount to about $40, leaving you $110. Mr. Whitman could not, as you will see from his note signed “Edmunds,” spare you more; and the mule team you asked for could not be procured. I am sorry you have not arrived: I should like to have gone back with you. The Governor has instructed the Attorney-General of Kansas to enter a nolle prosequi in the case of the Free-State prisoners; so that you need be under no apprehension of insecurity as to yourself or the munitions you may bring with you. By writing a line to me or Mr. Whitman or Phillips at Lawrence immediately on your arrival here, we will come and meet you by way of Topeka. God speed you!

Richard Realf.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 398

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