
Thursday, April 27, 2017

Amos A. Lawrence to George L. Stearns, June 3, 1857

June 3 [1857].

My Dear Sir, — I did not intend to do any more than to write a “heading” for a subscription for Captain Brown, and subscribe for myself. But he was desirous to have me do more, and I have, as the paper shows. I wish I could do the whole. But I am behindhand in everything. My business extends through a large part of the twenty-four hours, and prevents my devoting as much time as would be desirable to push on this and similar good projects for individual advantage. If Captain Brown should be killed or disabled, then I should be held for the one thousand dollars.1

Yours truly,
A. A. Lawrence.

1 I take it this last sentence implies that Brown was going to “bear arms,” that he was on a dangerous errand, and that Mr. Lawrence approved of what he was going to do with the arms and money in his hands. At this time there was no talk of the Virginia plan, nor did any property of the Kansas Committee go for that plan, — but the property of individual member! who gave it freely, knowing what might be done with it.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 410

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