
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

John Brown to his Children, April 23, 1857

New Haven, Conn., April 23, 1857.

Dear Children, — I received your letter of the 6th and 8th inst. Will endeavor to get the article Ruth wrote for. I now expect to buy the place of Franklin and Samuel. I would be very glad to have some of the friends take a horse-team and meet me at Westport as soon as this is received. Inquire for me at Mr. Judd's, Elizabethtown. I want to get a passage, and to have some things taken out. Have but a moment to write. If I am not found at Westport, wait a little for me.

Your affectionate father,
John Brown.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 406

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