
Saturday, April 1, 2017

John Brown to Edmund B. Whitman, October 5, 1857

Tabor, Fremont County, Iowa, Oct. 5, 1857.
E. B. Whitman, Esq.

Dear Sir, — Please send me by Mr. Charles P. Tidd what money you have for me, — not papers. He is the second man I have sent in order to get the means of taking me through. General Lane sent a man who got here without any team, with but fifty dollars of Lane's money (as he said), which I returned to him, and wanted me to start right off, with only four days’ time to load up and drive through before this bogus election day, — which my state of health and the very wet weather rendered it impossible to do in time; and I did not think it right to start from here under such circumstances. Do try to make me up the money, all in good shape, before Mr. Tidd returns, and also write me everything you know about the aspect of things in Kansas. Please furnish Mr. Tidd with a horse to take him to Osawatomie, and greatly oblige me. The fifty dollars Lane sent was only about enough to pay up my board bill here, with all I had on hand. I need not say my disappointments have been extreme.

Your friend,
John Brown.

P. S. Before any teams are now sent, I want to hear further from Kansas.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 402-3

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