
Monday, May 8, 2017

Franklin B. Sanborn to Theodore Parker, January 17, 1858

January 17.

Mr. Sumner suggests that in my note to Forbes I might have been “less sharp;” but the character of F.’s epistles convinces me that, if I erred at all, it was on the side of gentleness. I have since received a letter from Forbes himself, in which he goes over the same charges and insinuations with “damnable iteration” This I have also answered, explaining more fully my position in the matter. Forbes threatens terrible things, — meaning, as I conjecture, to give notice at the South of Brown's position and designs. Should he do this, he would deserve nil the suffering which his own carelessness has brought on his family; but their suffering troubles me, and I am trying to do something to relieve it, and also to find out from Brown the true condition of affairs.

Yours affectionately,
F. B. Sanborn.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 428

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