
Wednesday, May 3, 2017

John Brown to his Family, September 12, 1857

Tabor, Fremont County, Iowa, Sept. 12, 1857.

Dear Wife And Children, Every One, — It is now nearly two weeks since I have seen anything from home, and about as long since I wrote. . . . We get nothing very definite from Kansas yet, but think we shall in the course of another week. . . . Got a most kind letter from Mr. F. B. Sanborn yesterday; also one from Mr. Blair, where Oliver was living. You probably have but little idea of my anxiety to get letters from you constantly; and it would afford me great satisfaction to learn that you all regularly attend to reading your Bibles, and that you are all punctual to attend meetings on Sabbath days. I do not remember ever to have heard any one complain of the time he had lost in that way.

Your affectionate husband and father,
John Brown.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 414-5

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