
Friday, May 5, 2017

John Brown to Theodore Parker, September 11, 1857

[September 11, 1857]

My Dear Sir, — Please find on other side first number of a series of tracts lately gotten up here. I need not say I did not prepare it; but I would be glad to know what you think of it, and much obliged for any suggestions you see proper to make. My particular object in writing is to say that I am in immediate want of some five hundred or one thousand dollars for secret service, and no questions asked. I want the friends of freedom to “prove me now herewith.” Will you bring this matter before your congregation, or exert your influence in some way to have it, or some part of it, raised and placed in the hands of George L. Stearns, Esq., of Boston, subject to my order? I should highly prize a letter from you, directed on the envelope to Jonas Jones, Esq., Tabor, Fremont County, Iowa. Have no news to send by letter.

Very respectfully your friend,
John Brown.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 422

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