– As space was allowed in the Denver volume of Colorado's history for the
biographical sketch of one distinguished lady – Miss Alida C. Avery, M. D., it
seems but fair that this volume should give space to another. Clara Brown, better
known as Aunt Clara, the first colored woman that ever crossed the plains for
Pike's Peak, deserves at least a passing notice. Aunt Clara was born Jan. 1,
1800, near Fredericksburg, Va., a slave of one Ambrose Smith, who removed with
his family and slaves to Russellville, Logan Co., Ky., in 1809. Aunt Clara was
married in her eighteenth year, and was the mother of four children — three
girls and one boy, viz., Margaret, Eliza, Palina and Richard. At the death of
her master, Ambrose Smith, in 1835, she, with her husband and children, were
sold to different purchasers, and they forever parted. Aunt Clara was purchased
by George Brown, of Russellville, who died in 1856. She was again sold and
purchased by the heirs of Mr. Brown, and emancipated. The laws of Kentucky then
requiring that all emancipated slaves should leave the State within one year,
Aunt Clara, then in her fifty-seventh year, went to St. Louis, Mo., and thence
to Leavenworth, Kan., spending the year 1858, in Leavenworth. Early in 1859,
she joined the gold-hunting army for Auraria, Cherry Creek, now Denver, she
agreeing to cook for a mess of twenty-five men, out of a party of sixty, the
conditions being that they transport her stoves, wash-tubs, wash-board and
clothes-box, for her services as cook during the trip. She rode with her things
in one of the ox-wagons, there being thirty in the train, drawn by six yoke of
oxen each, and, after eight weeks, landed in Auraria, now West Denver. After a
few weeks' rest, she again packed up her earthly goods and removed to Gregory
Point, thence to Mountain City, now Central City. She soon founded the first
laundry ever started in Gilpin Co. The prices being paid her were for blue and
red flannel shirts, 50 cents, and other clothes in proportion. In a few years
she had accumulated property valued at about $10,000. At the close of the war,
she went to her old Kentucky home, and hunted up all her relatives that could
be found, thirty-four in number, and brought them to Leavenworth by steamboat,
and then purchased a train, crossed the plains, and settled her relatives in
Denver, Central City and Georgetown. Feeling the approach of old age, she has
recently removed from Central City to Denver, and built herself a little
cottage home near the corner of Twenty-third and Arapahoe streets. She is now
doing all she can in dispensing charity to all the needy. She is a member of
the Presbyterian Church, and has been for the last fifty years. Many
interesting incidents might be added of her long and useful life, would space
SOURCE: O. L. Baskin & Co., Publisher, History of Clear Creek and Boulder Valleys,
Colorado, p. 443
Lovely story, thank you