
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Franklin B. Sanborn to Thomas Wentworth Higginson, April 20, 1858

April 20, 1858

I have lately had two letters from Mr. Hawkins, who has just left Canada for the West, on business connected with his enterprise. He has found in Canada several good men for shepherds, and, if not embarrassed by want of means, expects to turn his flock loose about the 15th of May. He has received four hundred and ten dollars of the five hundred guaranteed him in Massachusetts, but wants more; and we must try to make up to him the other five hundred dollars. Part of it is pledged, and the rest ought to be got, though with some difficulty. . . . Hawkins's address is “Jason Brown,” under cover to John Jones, Chicago. He has gone West to move his furniture and bring on his hands. He has received two hundred and sixty dollars from other sources than our friends, and is raising more elsewhere, but got little in New York or Philadelphia.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 457-8

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