
Monday, June 19, 2017

George L. Stearns to John Brown, May 15, 1858

May 15, 1858.
Mr. John Brown, Chatham, Canada West.

Dear Sir, — I wrote to you yesterday informing you that a member of the Massachusetts State Kansas Committee would visit Chatham, to confer about the delivery of the arms you hold. As I can find no one who can spare the time, I have to request that you will meet me in New York City sometime next week. A letter to me, directed to care of John Hopper, 110 Broadway, New York, will be in season. Come as early as you can. Our committee will pay your expenses.

Truly yours,

George L. Stearns,
Chairman Mass. State Kansas Committee.

Dr. Howe will go on as soon as he knows you are in New York.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 462

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