
Saturday, June 24, 2017

Gerrit Smith to Franklin B. Sanborn, July 26, 1858

Peterboro', July 26, 1858.
Mr. F. B. Sanborn.

My Dear Sir, — I have your letter of the 23d instant. I have great faith in the wisdom, integrity, and bravery of Captain Brown. For several years I have frequently given him money toward sustaining him in his contests with the slave-power. Whenever he shall embark in another of these contests I shall again stand ready to help him; and I will begin with giving him a hundred dollars. I do not wish to know Captain Brown's plans; I hope he will keep them to himself. Can you not visit us this summer? We shall he very glad to see you.

With great regard, your friend,
Gerrit Smith.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 466

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