
Monday, June 12, 2017

John Brown to his Family, May 25, 1858

Chatham, Canada West, May 25, 1858.

Dear Wife And Children, Every One, — Oliver's letter of the 19th is just received. I have to commend him for his promptitude in replying to mine, as well as the comprehensiveness, brevity, and spirit of that reply. We are completely nailed down at present, for want of funds; and we may be obliged to remain inactive for months yet, for the same reason. You must all learn to be patient, — or, at least, I hope you will. If you have not been obliged to use the two drafts (amount, twenty-five dollars) before you get this, do try and hold them till I write you further. I have heard nothing from John since in March, and feel quite anxious on his account. You need not reply till further advised.

Your affectionate husband and father,
John Brown.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 456

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