
Monday, June 12, 2017

Lieutenant-Colonel Rutherford B. Hayes to Sophia Birchard Hayes, Evening, September 18, 1862

Middletown, Maryland, September 18,1862, (P. M.)

Dear Mother: — I am steadily getting along. For the most part, the pain is not severe, but occasionally an unlucky move of the shattered arm causes a good deal of distress. I have every comfort that I could get at home. I shall hope to see Lucy in two or three days.

The result of the two great battles already fought is favorable, but not finally decisive. I think the final struggle will occur soon. We feel encouraged to hope for a victory from the results thus far. We have had nearly one-half our fighting men in the Twenty-third killed or wounded. Lieutenant-Colonel Jones of Thirtieth Ohio, in our Brigade, of Columbus, is missing; supposed to be wounded. Colonel of the Eleventh Ohio,

killed. Love to all. — Send this to Uncle.

Affectionately, your son,
Mrs. Sophia Hayes.

SOURCE: Charles Richard Williams, editor, Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, Volume 2, p. 357-8

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