
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

1st Lieutenant Charles Wright Wills: May 30, 1862

May 30, 1862.

We have our horses saddled all the time since 2:30 yesterday morning. Owing to Colonel Kellogg's continued illness he was this morning retired from further command of brigade, and Mizner put in his place. We could hear the cars running at Corinth all last night, and now there is a heavy black smoke hanging over the place. Some think they have evacuated, but 'tis doubtful. Firing all the time since 3 this morning. Up to this time we (our regiment) have had but three men killed and nine wounded here. Have been remarkably fortunate. I gave up my cot to Major Rawalt and am sleeping on the ground now, and the confounded lizards are working me into a fever. They are as thick as you ever saw grasshoppers. One of them ran into Allan Heald's shirt bosom yesterday and they say he moved rather sprightly for a few minutes. Lots of snakes here, cottonmouths, copperheads, rattlesnakes, and commoner varmint. There's also a scorpion that looks like a lizard with a green head. They say it is poisonous.

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 95-6

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