
Monday, July 3, 2017

1st Lieutenant Charles Wright Wills: May 15, 1862

Still in Camp near Corinth, Miss., May 15, 1862.

It seems to me that we are a long time in bringing this “muss a la probable” to a focus. What under the sun our Halleck is waiting for we can't guess. One hour's march will commence the struggle now and you don't know how anxious we are for that little trip. Buell and Thomas have both thrown up long lines of earthworks to fall back behind if repulsed, I suppose. We have nothing of that kind in our division. We have all been under marching orders since morning, and Assistant Secretary of War Scott told the colonel last night that the battle would commence to-day — but he lied. Talk is to-night again that Corinth is evacuated. The main body of our army moved up within three miles to-day. My battalion has been out since daylight this morning, but we have been lying at ease near Pope's headquarters all day waiting for orders. I came back to camp to stay to-night because I had no blanket with me and there was no possibility of any more before morning. Have a sore foot now. My confounded horse fell down with me in a creek the other day, threw me out on the bank in a bunch of blackberry bushes and then crawled out over me, stepped on my foot in the melee by way of showing sympathy, I suppose. It don't hurt my appetite any and hasn't put me off duty.

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 89-90

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