
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Ann Colley’s Advertisement for the Return of a Fugitive Slave, June 8, 1857

RUNAWAY — Fifty Dollars Reward, — Ran away some time in May last, my Servant-man, who calls himself Jackson Turner. He is about 27 years of age, and has one of his front teeth out. He is quite black, with thick lips, a little bow-legged, and looks down when spoken to. I will give a reward of Fifty dollars if taken out of the city, and twenty five Dollars if taken within the city. I forewarn all masters of vessels from harboring or employing the said slave; all persons who disregard this Notice will be punished as the law directs.

Petersburg, June 8th, 1857.

SOURCE: William Still, The Underground Railroad: A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters &c., p. 117

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