
Sunday, July 2, 2017

Diary of 1st Sergeant John L. Ransom: May 20, 1864

Hendryx sent me in to-day from the outside a dozen small onions and some green tea  No person, on suddenly being lifted from the lowest depths of misery to peace and plenty, and all that money could buy, could feel more joyous or grateful than myself for those things. As the articles were handed in through the gate a crowd saw the transaction, and it was soon known that I had a friend on the outside who sent me in extras, I learn that a conspiracy is being gotten up on the outside, in which Hendryx is at the head, and they will try and overpower the guard and release the prisoners. If Capt. Wirtz only knew it, he has a very dangerous man in George Hendryx. cram full of adventure, he will be heard from wherever he is.

SOURCE: John L. Ransom, Andersonville Diary, p. 59-60

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