
Friday, July 7, 2017

Emma Brown to William Still, March 14, 1855

Toronto, March 14th, 1855.

DEAR MR. STILL:— I take this opportunity of addressing you with these few lines to inform you that I arrived here today, and hope that this may find yourself and Mrs. Still well, as this leaves me at the present. I will also say to you, that I had no difficulty in getting along. the two young men that was with me left me at Suspension Bridge. they went another way.

I cannot say much about the place as I have ben here but a short time but so far as I have seen I like very well. you will give my Respect to your lady, & Mr & Mrs Brown. If you have not written to Petersburg you will please to write as soon as can I have nothing More to Write at present but yours Respectfully

Emma Brown (old name mARY Epps).

SOURCE: William Still, The Underground Railroad: A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters &c., p. 76

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